Slot Waveguide Design

Slot Waveguide Design 4,7/5 3904 reviews
  • Optics Letters
  • Vol. 41,
  • Issue 11,
  • pp. 2501-2504
  • (2016)
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Waveguide Slot Array Antenna Design

Omnidirectional Sector Waveguide SLOT Antenna L and C Band (1296 & 2320 MHz) The slotted waveguide has achieved most of its success when used in an omnidirectional role. It is the simplest way to get a real 10dB gain over 360 degrees of beamwidth. The Slotted waveguide antenna is a Horizontally Polarized type antenna and light in weight. 3 Tuning screws are placed for tweaking the SWR and can. Circuit model of slotted waveguide antenna. The last slot is a distance d from the end (which is short-circuited, as seen in Figure 2), and the slot elements are spaced a distance L from each other. Before we discuss choosing the sizes, they will be given in terms of the guide-wavelength, which is the wavelength within the waveguide.

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    Abhijeet Phatak, Zhenzhou Cheng, Changyuan Qin, and Keisuke Goda, 'Design of electro-optic modulators based on graphene-on-silicon slot waveguides,' Opt. Lett. 41, 2501-2504 (2016)
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Omnidirectional Sector Waveguide SLOT Antenna L and C Band (1296 & 2320 MHz) The slotted waveguide has achieved most of its success when used in an omnidirectional role. It is the simplest way to get a real 10dB gain over 360 degrees of beamwidth. A slot cut into the wall of a waveguide interrupts the transverse current flowing in the wall, forcing the current to travel around the slot, which induces an electric field in the slot. The position of the slot in the waveguide determines the current flow. SIW with design parameters. INTRODUCTION Rectangular Slotted Waveguide Antennas (SWAs) radiate energy through slots cut in a broad or narrow wall of a rectangular waveguide. This means the radiating elements are an integral part of the feed system, which is the waveguide itself, leading to a simple design not requiring baluns or matching networks.


We present a graphene-on-silicon (GoS) suspended vertical slot waveguide. By changing the Fermi level of graphene, the variation in the effective refractive index (RI) of the waveguide is a factor of two larger than that in the traditional GoS rib waveguide. The improvement is due to the light-intensity enhancement and the poor confinement of the optical mode in the slot nanostructure. We design Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI) and microring modulators based on the GoS suspended vertical slot waveguide. Our calculations show that the modulators can be energy-efficient and footprint-compact due to the large phase shift of the propagating mode in the waveguide after applying a gate voltage on the graphene. Fabrication of our design is easy and CMOS-compatible. It paves the way for chip-integrated electronic-RI modulators.

© 2016 Optical Society of America

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Slot Waveguide Design

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