Azure Sites Slots

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Azure deployment: A route named 'HelpPage_Default' is already in the route collection. Route names must be unique. Parameter name: name

a route named 'helppage_default' is already in the route collection
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When I run locally the website runs fine. But when deployed on Microsoft Azure , it is throwing the above error occurs.

Azure Microsoft.Web/sites/slots JSON syntax and properties to use in Azure Resource Manager templates for deploying the resource. API version 2018-02-01. With Azure Websites this could be as simple as swap staging to Production slot. After swap (new) staging is ready to take next build and run another set of validation. So one site with many slots here; Multiple branches - when deploying to Prod is slower you need multiple branches and slots, and stabilization phase. In the Azure Portal, navigate to your App Service – let’s say it’s a Web App – and click the deployment slots menu item: Creating an Azure deployment slot Now you see the Add Slot button, which opens the Add Slot dialog, to the right of the screen.

I already tried deleting the .DLL Files from bin folder and obj folder, but the problem still exist.

Stack Trace:

Route Configuration:-

AreaRegistration -

A route named 'HelpPage_Default' is already in the route collection. Route names must be unique.

Azure App Service Slot

Per my understanding, you need to make sure that you have not defined the route named HelpPage_Default no more than once. Also, you need to check your code and make sure that AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); could only be called once.

Moreover, please make sure your application could work on your local side. And before publishing it to azure website, you could use kudu and empty the web content under D:homesitewwwroot, then redeploy your application.

In the Add a slot dialog box, give the slot a name, and select whether to clone an app configuration from another deployment slot. Select Add to Select Routes and then select Add. For Route name, type fw-dg. For Address prefix, type For Next hop type, select Virtual appliance. Azure Firewall is actually a managed service, but virtual appliance works in this situation. For Next hop address, type the private IP address for the firewall that you noted previously. Select OK.

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Specifically for deploying to Azure after renaming files the accepted answer here is likely the answer. All worked fine when I deployed locally, and cleaning/deleting bin folder did nothing, what did work was.

Azure Slot Machine Manual

  1. On the Visual Studio publish screen click Configure
  2. From the new Window click the vertical Settings tab
  3. Expand File Publish Options
  4. Tick the 'Remove additional files at destination' checkbox.

Azure routes traffic between all subnets within a virtual network, by default. Create a route; Associate a route table to a subnet; Deploy virtual In the Create virtual network dialog box, under Name, enter myVirtualNetwork. You can create custom, or user-defined(static), routes in Azure to override Azure's default system routes, or to add additional routes to a subnet's route table. In Azure, you create a route table, then associate the route table to zero or more virtual network subnets.

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If cleaning your bin folder still doesn't help, maybe it's because you have accidentally added a reference to another API of your solution in your project (which would register route config of both APIs -> Ouch!).

Choose inline deployment script or the path and name of a script file. Learn more. InlineScript (Inline Script), (Required if ScriptType Inline Azure deployment: A route named 'HelpPage_Default' is already in the route collection. Route names must be unique. Parameter name: name; Rails Routing - Posting with same route name; Preparing views when routing to initial route; WebApi Routing issue - unable to route to required action; GitLab Continuous Deployment to Azure Web App

Enter a Name for the route table. Choose your Subscription. Choose an existing Resource group or select Create new to create a new resource Open Visual Studio Code with the Resource Manager Tools extension installed. From the File menu, select New File to create a new file. From the File menu, select Save as. Name the file azuredeploy and select the JSON file extension. The complete name of the file azuredeploy.json. Save the file to your workstation.

Azure Web App Slots

Configure routing traffic to deployment slots. Azure CLI Copy. az webapp traffic-​routing set --distribution [--ids] [--name] [--resource-group] [--subscription] When publishing to an Azure App Service I had to check the Publish Dialog's 'Settings'->'File Publish Options'->'Remove additional files at destination' to get the old project DLL and symbol files removed.

Tips and tricks for working with HTTP routing in Azure Functions. If you are using continuous deployment for your functions, any add a ? after the parameter name in the route definition and the type in the function header. You might be attempting to deploy a dependent resource in parallel with a parent resource. Check if you need to add a dependency. Resolve dependencies: OperationNotAllowed The deployment is attempting an operation that exceeds the quota for the subscription, resource group, or region. If possible, revise your deployment to stay within the quotas.

  • Show, us the route configuration code please.
  • @ChetanRanpariya added.
  • How about AreaRegistration ? Did you check there?
  • I checked AreaRegistration , but it looks correctly configured, but i just noticed HelpPage_Default is present in here, does this needs to be removed from here?
  • Try removing it and see if that works.
  • I commected the HelpPage_Default Route , and cleared the sitewwwroot content and deployed again , it worked thankyou @Bruce Chen
  • I am getting this error with a brand new project on the first time that it calls AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas();
  • I previously renamed the project. The old DLL's were not cleaned when clicking 'Clean Solution.' Deleting all files in the bin folder fixed it for me.
  • @Soenhay also did a renaming in my project and deleting bin folder fixed it for me too. Thanks.
  • Brilliant. I just ran into this issue as well, and I was quite stumped. This solved it instantly.

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